Yeye Cabare 2020
An Evening of fine dining, Theatre (musical) and Shopping
Yeye Cabaret 2020 - The seventh (7th) consecutive edition and the biggest Mother’s day celebration in Lagos State themed; This Woman’s Work - scheduled for Sunday 22nd of March 2020.
In an evening of Fine dining, Shopping and felicitation curated in a 3-hour showcase - celebrating the joy of motherhood, the main highlight of the evening features a theatre production with a narrative based on empathy toward women (mothers) suffering PostPartum Depression (PPD) we intend to use our platform this year to create awareness on Maternal Mental Health with the hope of educating our audience on PPD and how patients can get professional help/support.
As part of the celebration, we publish an event magazine with unique content engage the minds of our discerning audience/readers who attend the event and those who come in contact with the magazine beyond the day of Yeye Cabaret. These articles cover a wide-range of subjects on Lifestyle, Personality, Arts & Culture.